EQUM Legal and Tax Advisory

Two decades of experience helping companies on their journey toward financial sucess and tax complice.

We are a team of tax, legal, and financial experts committed to deliver solutions focused on the client growth ensuring at the same time their tranquility.  


Tax Advisory

We provide ongoing or specific consulting, advisory, and planning for national taxes and international operations through the following services.
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Tax Compliance

Preparation of tax returns and data reports required by tax authorities. Delegate your tax compliance obligations to a team of…
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We enhance creative and effective solitions in corporate and tax advisory.

Cards de Servicios
Over 600 clients advised

Large corporations, mid-sized companies, SMEs, and individuals
More than 250 multinational groups

advised on transfer pricing.
Preparation of over 2.000 Tax returns

For expatriates and residents.
90% success rate in judicial rulings.
80 billion pesos

Planation, management and structuration of wealth exceeding this amount.
Country-by-Country Reporting

For Colombian multinational groups.

Some of Our Clients

Stay updated with the latest tax compliance calendar

Click the link to view the 2024 calendar on the DIAN website.